Sunday, June 10, 2007

Team Chemistry

Looking for a way to improve results in your department or company? Try team chemistry.

Employees are your greatest asset. They can also be detrimental to your overall business plan. One bad apple can negate the hard work of many.

If you want more from your employees, you need to spend more time developing them. More importantly, you need to have the right players on your team. Team chemistry can elevate a group of employees to new heights. It isn't about having 10, 15, or 100% of your team as superstars. It is about getting the right players and having them all work together to create efficiencies, develop one another, and increase productivity.

So how do you get team chemistry?

It begins first with strong leadership. As a leader, you must find the right players to play on your team. They must be able to get along and create strong bonds with one another. Hiring a pompous superstar that has an MBA, but is selfish and lacks people skills is not the right type of player to have on your team. Do you ever wonder why some of the most talented teams in sports fail? Big egos, selfishness, and a cancer to the team all play a part. You don't need superstars to create a winning team. You need great team players with great people skills.

Second is open communication. Employees need to be able to tell leadership when they disagree. Leaders need to listen and play as part of the team. This fosters learning and development. Ever watch a sporting event and see a rookie sit next to a veteran or superstar and just listen? This sharing of ideas creates better players and a better team.

In sports you will often hear about teams playing "loose" or " tight". Playing "loose" is a result of great team chemistry. They play with less pressure creating an environment that is conducive to producing winning results.

If you want a winning organization, quit looking for selfish players who have "credentials" and starting building your team with team players.

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