Saturday, December 29, 2007

NFL Network caves in to pressure

In an about face from the NFL, the Patriots-Giants game will be televised on NBC and CBS. Is there that much interest in this game? Why did the NFL cave in on this demand?

I read an article on CBS Marketwatch by Jon Friedman that suggested that the NFL did it because it was afraid of Congress. We don't want to rouse the sleeping giant of Congress, do we? Are you kidding me? Shouldn't Congress be concentrating on other things rather than worrying if some football fans are going to miss a game that will look like week two of the exhibition season. And do we really want the government to "fix" this so called problem? Why don't we just vote for communism and let the government run our lives? How ridiculous.

While the NFL Network will get some exposure, it did step on some toes of the companies that already support the NFL Network. It also has set a precedent that will only serve to heat up an argument on how the big bad NFL is cheating it's fans the next time a big game is televised only on the NFL Network.

We don't need Congress to have our backs. Fans have a choice on TV providers. This is a free market economy and it needs to stay that way. If fans want the NFL Network that bad, then they should change to a provider that has the station.

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