Monday, February 5, 2007

Opportunities in Guerilla Recruiting

You won't find a much better opportunity to steal talent from the competition.

Dell - Here is a company that made almost $10 BILLION of gross PROFIT and 4.3 BILLION in operating income. So what does that earn the employees? Nothing! That's right, no employees are going to get a bonus this year. So, $4.3 BILLION isn't enough money to allow bonuses for the employees who put the hard work in and produced this profit for Dell? Talk about greedy. What is enough?

This is an example of a company who is punishing their employees to come up with a short-term solution to please their shareholders. Taking money out of the pocket of an employee is one of the worst moves management can ever make. Unhappy workers equal trouble for shareholders and great opportunities for the recruiter.

Dell employees have to be fuming over their lost bonuses. Strike while the iron is hot.

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