Monday, January 15, 2007

Management skills 101

Are you a manager, but not getting the type of results you want? Not sure what the problem is?

How do you treat the people that work for you? Do you know what they think of you as a manager? Are you leading them or just telling them what to do? Your employees will make or break you. If you don't have the support of your people, you won't get the most out of them.

Forget the textbooks and seminars. Management is all about how you interact with people and how you treat, support, and develop them.

Every employee is different. Each one needs to be managed in a different way. They have different emotions, passions, and thoughts. Some are creative and some like to work in their cube and be left alone. Some hate to be micro-managed, while others will need your constant attention. Your employees are your center of the universe. You, as a manager, need to understand them. Get to know them inside and out. Find out what makes them tick. Delegate work to them and give them a chance to grow. Remember you are managing them. Be there for them when they make a mistake. Let them make mistakes. Let them learn and grow.

Your primary job as a manager is to motivate, empower, and engage them in the success of the company as well as the success of whatever you are responsible for. You need to cultivate ideas, give them credit, back them up, and stand behind them. You need to be honest and sincere and they must know and believe that you are.

Finally, never lose your credibility, NEVER! The minute you do, you will lose the most valuable resource you have as a manager....YOUR PEOPLE!

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